IHRA plenary session in Dubrovnik
On June 12-15, the plenary session of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance – IHRA was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The event brought together a few hundred Holocaust educators from Europe and the rest of the world.
IHRA plenary sessions are held twice a year to coordinate the activities of political and social leaders and to exchange information on the current situation in the field of counteracting anti-Semitism and commemorating the Holocaust. This year’s conventions are held in Croatia, which took over the presidency of the IHRA from Sweden in 2023: the first convention took place in Dubrovnik, the next one is planned in Zagreb.
IHRA was established in 1998 under the Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust (the so-called Stockholm Declaration) to support Holocaust remembrance, education and research activities. Today IHRA has 35 Member Countries and 10 Observer Countries. Poland has been a member of IHRA since 1999.
“The task of IHRA is not to deal with specific problems in the certain area or continent only, it is to provide the intelectual background and the organisational backgroung, the better understanding of the world in which we live” – stated Yehuda Bauer, IHRA Honorary Chairman, during the session.
The event brought together a few hundred Holocaust educators from Europe and the rest of the world. The Warsaw Ghetto Museum was represented by director Albert Stankowski, who gave a presentation on the first day of the conference about the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising organized in Poland.