Museum Team

Research Department:

  • Dr Mariusz Jastrząb – Head of the Research Department
Historian, educator. Graduate of the Institute of History and the Centre of American Studies at the University of Warsaw. Doctor of humanities. Expert in the social and economic history of Poland in the 20th century. A long-time academic lecturer. A graduate of the Business Coaches School at Kozminski University, a scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science, winner of the Jan Józef Lipski and Stanisław Herbst awards. Dr Mariusz Jastrząb researches the role of history as a tool of economic and social research. He has conducted anti-discrimination and anti-exclusion workshops for various professional groups. He prepared and consulted various types of learning resources on the history of Polish Jews in the 20th century. He has cooperated with ENCATE (European Network for Countering Antisemitism through Education).
  • Martyna Grądzka-Rejak, PhD – Deputy Head of the Research Department
Doctor of Humanities, historian, Judaist, pedagogue, graduate of the Institute of History at the Pedagogical University KEN in Krakow and the Institute of Jewish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He works in the Historical Research Office of the Institute of National Remembrance. Her areas of expertise include the history of Poland in the 20th century, the history of the Holocaust, the fate of national and ethnic minorities, and social history, with a particular focus on the experiences of women and the family. Scholar of the Foundation for Polish Scholarship. Winner of the Prime Minister’s Award for the best dissertation (2016), finalist of the Polityka Science Award.
Author of numerous scientific and popular articles and books: An Interrupted Childhood. The fate of the children from the Jewish orphanage at ul. Dietla 64 in Krakow during the German occupation (2012); A Jewish woman in occupied Krakow (1939-1945), nominated for the Historical Book of the Year Award (2017); Holocaust, Memory, Duplicator. The Extermination of the Jews and Polish-Jewish Relations during the Occupation in Second Edition Publications in the People’s Republic of Poland (with Dr. Jan Olaszek; 2020). She is co-editor, among others, of: Elites and Representatives of the Jewish Community during the World War II (1939-1945) (with Dr. Aleksandra Namysło; 2017); Darkness Hides the Earth. Selected Aspects of Research and Teaching on the Holocaust (with Dr. Piotr Trojański; 2019); Repressions for Helping Jews in Occupied Poland during the World War II (with Dr. Aleksandra Namysło, 2019).
  • Prof. Konrad Zieliński – Chief Specialist for Pre-war History Research
  • Rabbi David Berman – Research Expert
  • Paweł Freus, PhD – Senior Research Specialist
  • Michał Grochowski, PhD – Senior Research Specialist

Collection Department:

  • Aleksandra Wydro – Head of the Collection Department
  • Janusz Wąż – Senior Iconography Specialist
  • Magdalena Kruszewska-Polak – Senior Specialist in the Collection Department
  • Natalia Przybylska – Specialist in the Collection Department
  • Arleta Engwert – Specialist in the Collection Department


Education Department:

Halina Postek, PhD – Head of the Education Department

Ethicist, educator, university lecturer. Graduate of the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw. Doctor of Humanities and a longstanding lecturer at the Pedagogical University of Warsaw. Her Jewish subject lectures included History of Polish Jews, Polish-Jewish relations, Jewish Community and Introduction to Judaism. Her research focuses on the Ethics and Pedagogy of the Musar Movement, an ethical-religious movement which developed among Orthodox Lithuanian Jews in the mid-nineteenth century. Selected publications:
  1. Musaryzm: miedzy chasydyzmam a haskalą (“The Musar movement: between Hasidism and the Haskalah”), in; Studia Europae Gnesnensia 9/2014, Poznań – Gniezno 2014.
  2. Rola nauki, nauczania i nauczyciela w tradycji żydowskiej (“The role of learning, teaching and the teacher in the Jewish tradition”), in: Pedagogika dialogu, Nauczyciele dialogu (The pedagogy of dialogue, teachers of dialogue), Warsaw 2011.
  3. “Dialog chrześcijańsko-judaistyczny” (“The Christian-Jewish Dialogue”), in: Pedagogika dialogu. Doświadczenie dialogu w rzeczywistości XXI wieku (“The pedagogy of dialogue. Experiencing dialogue in the realities of the 21st century”), Warsaw 2010.
  • Maria Makarova – Deputy Head of the Education Department
  • Wiesława Młynarczyk, Phd – Chief Education Specialist
  • Katarzyna Jankowiak – Education Specialist
  • Monika Nestorowicz – Education Specialist
  • Anna Darewska  –  Education Specialist


Exhibition Departement:

Monika Mastyj – Head of the Exhibition Department

Kamila Pściuk – Specialist in the Exhibition Department

Zofia Gałązka – Assistant in the Exhibition Department

Dorota Kulawik – Specialist in the Exhibition Department



PR / Communication and Promotion Department:

  • Katarzyna Brzezińska – Head of the Communication and Promotion Department, Spokesperson for the Warsaw Ghetto Museum
  • Anna Szocik – Deputy Head of the Promotion Department
  • Marta Grzegorczyk – Communication and Promotion Specialist
  • Ewa Nowakowska – Communication and Promotion Specialist
  • Renata Tomków – Communication and Promotion Specialist


Administration and Organization Department:

  • Maja Wojnarska-Czyż – Head of the Administration and Organizational Department
  • Iwona Ciborowska – Chief Administrative and Organizational Specialist
  • Marcin Bartosiewicz – Senior Administrative and Organizational Specialist
  • Marcin Niedzielski – Administrative and Organizational Specialist

Accounting and HR Department:

  • Urszula Krajewska – Chief Accountant
  • Agnieszka Świderska – Senior HR Specialist
  • Monika Wysoczyńska – Senior Accounting Specialist

Museum Security and Internal Control Department:

  • Ryszard Garbarz – Head of the Security and Internal Control Department
  • Arkadiusz Walendowski – Deputy Head of the Museum Security and Internal Control Department

Finance Department:

  • Dorota Wyrębek – Specialist in the Finance Department

Legal Department:

  • Monika Pajura – Head of the Legal Department, Attorney-at-law
  • Michał Muszyński – Attorney-at-law

IT Department:

  • Robert Gola – Deputy Head of the Teleinformatics Department
  • Oliwia Jeryś – IT Specialist

Investment Department:

  • Aleksandra Suchocka – Deputy Head of the Investment Department

Public Procurement Department:

Kamil Jaworski – Head of the Public Procurement Department

Data Protection Officer:

  • Maciej Dziewulski – Data Protection Officer

Media Associates: 

  • Paweł Podkowiński – graphic designer
  • Robert Wilczyński – photograhper