Gallery 1 | Jewish Warsaw

Here is our new video about the first gallery of the WGM permanent exhibition –”Jewish Warsaw”.

The aim of this gallery is to present the process which led to the formation of the new Jewish community in Warsaw. The Polish capital became home to the biggest Jewish community in Europe and one of the largest Jewish communities in the world.

The gallery aims to illustrate the development, as well as the economic and cultural meaning of the biggest Jewish community in Poland from the last three decades of the 19th century through the end of the interwar period. Its main mission is to show how the traditional community transformed into a modern one and to describe the tensions which accompanied this process.

At the time mentioned, new political parties, trade unions, numerous associations, societies, social and cultural organizations appeared, which resulted in the traditional Jewish lifestyle becoming much more open.

The film features the gallery curator, prof. Konrad Zieliński of the WGM Research Department.