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Katarzyna Person

Historian. After completing her PhD at the University of London in 2010, she held fellowships at the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem, the Centre for Jewish History in New York, La Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. She was awarded a Humboldt Foundation Fellowship at the Institute of Recent History in Munich and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship and Gerda Henkel Fellowship at Ludwig and Maximilian University in Munich. She headed the research department of the Jewish Historical Institute. In 2021, she was awarded a postdoctoral degree at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has written articles and books on Jewish history during the Holocaust and in the immediate post-war period. Since 2015, she has headed the project for the full edition of the Ringelblum Archive at the Jewish Historical Institute. She is the editor and co-editor of five volumes of documents from the Underground Warsaw Ghetto Archive.

Selected publications:

  1. Assimilated Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943 (2014)
  2. Policjanci: wizerunek Żydowskiej Służby Porządkowej w getcie warszawskim (Policemen: the image of the Jewish Ghetto Police in the Warsaw Ghetto) (2018)
  3. Dipisi: Żydzi polscy w amerykańskiej i brytyjskiej strefach okupacyjnych Niemiec, 1945-1948 (Displaced persons: Polish Jews in the American and British occupation zones of Germany, 1945-1948) (2019)
  4. Przemysłowa Concentration Camp: the Camp, the Children, the Trials (2023).

Joanna Dudelewicz

Architect, conservator with many years of professional experience gained in architectural design studios as well as in the Office of the Voivodeship Conservator of Monuments, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Museum of Warsaw as the Manager of the Investment Department and Manager – Coordinator of investment projects co-financed from national and EU funds. The Manager-Coordinator of the “OdNowa Muzeum Warszawy” [ReNEWed Museum of Warsaw] Project, consisting in the reconstruction, modernization and conservation of 11 historic tenement houses of the Museum headquarters together with the installation of a permanent exhibition and arrangement of internal spaces. The project has been awarded numerous national prizes, including Zabytek Zadbany [Well-kept Monument] and Lider Dostępności [The Accessibility Leader Award]. Author of numerous publications and lecturer in the field of architecture, conservation, EU subsidies and public procurement.

Selected publications:

  1. Muzeum OdNowa Modernizacja kamienic Muzeum Warszawy 2015-2018 [“Museum ReNEWed: Modernisation of the Tenement Houses of the Museum of Warsaw 2015 – 2018”], authors: Joanna Dudelewicz, Marcin Czechowicz, Publishing House: Museum of Warsaw.
  2. OdNowa Muzeum Warszawy, Architektura [“ReNEWed Museum of Warsaw, Architecture”] November 2016, pp. 102–106.
  3. OdNowa Muzeum Warszawy, Architektura&Biznes [“ReNEWed Museum of Warsaw, Architecture&Business] October 2017
  4. “Modernization of museum buildings – between tradition and modernity”, Renovations and Monuments, European Congress on Information on Conservation 2018.

Professor Daniel Blatman

Daniel Blatman is the Max and Rita Haber Professor in Contemporary Jewry and Holocaust Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also the head of the Avraham Harman Research Institute of Contemporary Jewry and the former director of the Centre for the Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry at the same university. He has worked on the history of the Jewish labour movement in Eastern Europe, the Holocaust in Poland, Nazi annihilation policy and the 20th century genocide.

Selected publications:

  1. For our Freedom and Yours, The Jewish Labor Bund in Poland 1939–1945, 2003.
  2. Reportage from the Ghetto, The Jewish Underground press in Warsaw Ghetto, 2005.
  3. The Death Marches, The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide, 2011.
  4. Ed. Conflicting Histories and Coexistence: New Perspectives on the Polish-Jewish Encounter, 2014.
  5. “Holocaust scholarship: toward a post-uniqueness era,” Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 17 no. 1, 2015.
  6. “Beyond National Identities: New Challenges in writing the History of the Holocaust in Poland and Israel,” in Antony Polonsky et. al. (eds.), New Directions in the History of the Jews in the Polish Lands, 2018.

Professor Michael Berenbaum

Michael Berenbaum is a writer, lecturer, and teacher consulting in the conceptual development of museums and the development of historical films. He is director of the Sigi Ziering Institute: Exploring the Ethical and Religious Implications of the Holocaust at the American Jewish University (formerly the University of Judaism) where he is also a Professor of Jewish Studies. In the past he has served as the Weinstein Gold Distinguished Visiting Professor at Chapman University, the Podlich Distinguished Visitor at Claremont-McKenna College, the Ida E. King Distinguished Professor of Holocaust Studies at Richard Stockton College for 1999–2000 and the Strassler Family Distinguished Visiting Professor of Holocaust Studies at Clark University in 2000.

Selected publications:

  1. The Vision of the Void: Theological Reflections on the Works of Elie Wiesel (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1979). Paperback edition, 1987. Reprinted as Elie Wiesel: God, The Holocaust, and the Children of Israel (West Orange: Behrman House, 1994).
  2. Report to the President, President’s Commission on the Holocaust (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1979
  3. Editor, From Holocaust to New Life (New York: American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, 1985).
  4. Co-editor with John Roth, Holocaust: Religious and Philosophical Implications (New York: Paragon Books, 1989.
  5. After Tragedy and Triumph: Modern Jewish Thought and the American Experience (Cambridge University Press, 1990).