“We must fight against evil”

On April 19, the Warsaw Ghetto Museum – together with the local government authorities, representatives of political and social groups and Varsovians – paid homage to those who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

„(…) that evil is evil, and that hatred is evil, and love is an obligation. We must fight against evil, so that the one who does evil, understands that there will be no mercy for him„. Marek Edelman, “And There Was Love in the Ghetto”

The main ceremonies of the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began at 12 a.m. with the sounds of sirens. At the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, accompanied by the sound of drumrolls played by the soldiers from the Warsaw Garrison, floral tributes were laid down. Lodz Children’s Choir sang the song of the ghetto fighters, and the Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich, said the Kaddish.

From the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes – the place of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum’s open-air exhibition dedicated to the monument’s author, Nathan Rapoport – the Insurgents’ Remembrance Trail March set off. First, near the first Warsaw Ghetto Heroes Monument, and then to: Żegota Memorial at the intersection of Zamenhofa and Anielewicza streets, the plaque commemorating Szmul Zygielbojm, Anielewicz’s Bunker, and the plaque commemorating Paweł Frenkel, ending the March at the Umschlagplatz Monument.

Already the seventh Daffodils Campaign lasted all day long, during which volunteers pinned yellow paper daffodils on Varsovians to honor the insurgents and the civilian population.

Anna Kilian

Photo: Jacek Turczyk