The Warsaw Ghetto Museum officially at the Bersohn and Bauman Hospital.

The Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship and the director of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum signed a lease contract for the former hospital building at 60 Sienna Street. The opening of the permanent exhibition is planned for 2023.

– Today we are opening a new chapter in the history of this place. A very important place for both the Jewish Nation and Warsaw inhabitants. This hospital funded by two Jewish families over many years was a support for the residents of the capital. Janusz Korczak, among others, worked there. The hospital also witnessed tragic events in the Warsaw Ghetto. I am convinced that the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum in this place is the culmination of the history of this place – emphasizes Marshal Adam Struzik.

– For the Warsaw Ghetto Museum, which was established seven months ago by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the signing of a lease contract of the former Bersohn and Bauman Hospital is a key decision. From March we created the structures and outline of the new institution, we created the team and we started work on the program and permanent exhibition. From today we can also, according to the schedule, start preparing our seat for receiving visitors in 2023 – said Albert Stankowski, director of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum.

The Warsaw Ghetto Museum was established in March 2018. From that moment representatives of the self-government, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Warsaw Ghetto Museum were holding talks regarding the lease of the former Bersohn and Bauman Children’s Hospital in Warsaw as the seat of this institution. On 15th October the Mazovian Voivodship Management Board passed a resolution regarding the consent to conclude the lease agreement. As a result, the local government of the voivodeship will lease the building to the museum for 30 years. What is very important is that it will be used for statutory purposes of this institution, in particular for conducting cultural activities.

– Mazel Tow – let’s do it together – this is an important matter – summed up the Chief Polish Rabbi Michel Schudrich.