Poland – Israel 2018. Two anniversaries.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence and the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Israel, a commemorative stamp was issued in both countries.

Postage stamp „Poland – Israel. Independence. Memory. Heritage „commemorates two anniversary celebrations this year and a shared centuries-long history of both nations.

– Polish and Jewish nations have had a lot in common for hundreds of years and particularly they shared one thing. They never lacked their determination to pursue freedom. – Przemysław Sypniewski, President of Polish Post, remarked in his speech.

„In June 1943, two flags fluttered over the streets of the fighting Warsaw ghetto, in the smoke of the conflagration: white-red and white-blue. Polish and Jewish. Both nations have always been connected by deeply rooted patriotism and persevering efforts against all adversities to own a homeland. From the beginning the uprising was doomed to failure but it was not just a choice of a decent death. It alluded to the great tradition of a common fight for the homeland”- we read in the explication of the publishing house.

It is the third joint issue with the Israeli Post, earlier in 1993 a stamp was issued „The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising”, while in 2009 „Poland – Israel. Berek Joselewicz”.

The value of the stamp in Poland is PLN 2.60 and in Israel – 6.50 new shekels.