Information about the result of the competition for the position of director of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum
The Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Hanna Wróblewska, has accepted the recommendations of the competition committee for Dr Katarzyna Person-Wooddin as director of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum for a five-year term (2025-2030).
Dr Katarzyna Person is a historian. She headed the Research Department of the Jewish Historical Institute and the Complete Edition of the Ringelblum Archive project, for which she received the Polityka History Award (2024). Author of, among others, the books Assimilated Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943 (2014), Policjanci: wizerunek Żydowskiej Służby Porządkowej w getcie warszawskim (2018), Dipisi: Polish Jews in the American and British Occupation Zones of Germany, 1945-1948 (2019), Industrial Concentration Camp: the Camp, the Children, the Trials (2023). In 2024, she became one of the winners of the Dan David Prize, one of the most prestigious awards given for outstanding achievements in the field of historical research. From 1 February 2024, she served as Deputy Director of the Museum of the Warsaw Ghetto for Research and Exhibitions.

Katarzyna Person | fot. Maciej Zienkiewicz