Educational boards at the Bersohn and Bauman Hospital

As of 10th February, we invite you to see the educational boards located in the courtyard of the Bersohn and Bauman Hospital – the future seat of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum

These educational boards are dedicated to the Warsaw ghetto, from its establishment on 16th November 1940, until the suppression of the Uprising, which ended in the blowing up of the Great Synagogue in Tłomackie Street. The boards depict the everyday life in the ghetto with all its problems: overpopulation, hunger, diseases, German cruelty, but also the heroic struggle of the Jews imprisoned in it to preserve humanity in inhuman times and inhuman conditions in which they lived and died. The next boards are devoted to the following topics: self-help in the ghetto, medical care, cultural and scientific life, religious life and armed resistance, which ended with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The authors of the boards are: Gil Faran, Eyal Fridman, Shay Segev, Orly Rozenberg, Ilana Daniel, and Avivit Golomb.

Entrance to the Bauman and Bersohn Hospital’s courtyard is possible as of 10th February every Monday and Wednesday between 12 a.m. and 2 p.m., after previously sending an e-mail to the address

Dr. Halina Postek

Photo: WGM i Magdalena Jonas-Poławska