Delegation from the Mashmaut Center at the WGM

On the initiative of the Polish Institute in Tel Aviv and the Mashmaut Center in Kiryat Motzkin, a group of female teachers who had completed a two-year course on the Holocaust came to Poland to meet their Polish colleagues and initiate a dialogue on the common history and discuss the differences in teaching about the Holocaust in Poland and Israel.

The visit’s programme enabled them to go to museums as well as other places associated with Jewish life in Poland before World War II, during the war, and after its end. The female teachers from the Mashmaut Center had the opportunity to meet the Holocaust survivors and eyewitnesses of history, but also representatives of contemporary Jewish life in Poland.

The group also visited the Presidential Palace, where it was received by Wojciech Kolarski, Secretary of State of the Polish Chancellery. It also visited the future headquarters of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum – the former Bersohn and Bauman Children’s Hospital and the WGM office, where it had a meeting with the Museum’s Director Albert Stankowski, Rabbi Dawid Berman from the Scientific Department, and Dr. Halina Postek, Head of the Education Department.

The group that visited Poland was led by Lea Piterman Ganor – Director of the Mashmaut Center and Julia Mackiewicz-Saban from the Polish Institute.

Dr. Halina Postek