Mobile Game – In the Footsteps of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The Warsaw Ghetto Museum has produced a mobile application with the educational game about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the „Small Ghetto” audioguide.
By playing the game, you can learn more about the history and reality of the first armed Jewish act of resistance in Nazi-occupied Europe and find out more about the sites associated with the uprising. You will also be able to take on the role of those who helped the Jewish fighters and see the items found during WGM’s the archaeological excavations at former Miła 18 (where the so-called “Anielewicz’s Bunker” was located).
You can participate in the game only when you are at the site of the former Warsaw Ghetto.
The audio guide includes 224 stories about 56 places at the sight of the so-called former „Small Ghetto”. You can listen to 84 minutes of oral stories wherever you are.
You can find the game in both English and Polish
Application by: Volha Bandarenka, Piotr Jędruszczak, Jan Namedyński @