Memory 1943


Szmul Mordechaj Zygielbojm

Szmul Mordechaj Zygielbojm

Szmul Mordechaj Zygielbojm (pseudonym “Artur”) (1895–1943) – during the Second World War, he was the Jewish delegate to the London-based National Council of Poland. Protesting…
No. 18 Miła Street

No. 18 Miła Street

After the brief, initial period of surprise, the Germans launched a brutal pacification of the uprising.
They Went Out and Survived

They Went Out and Survived

When during the Ghetto Uprising their situation became more and more difficult, some of the fighters decided to make an attempt at getting through to…
Marek Edelman

Marek Edelman

Marek Edelman (born on 1 January 1919, died on 2 October 2009) – a cardiologist, a member of the Jewish Combat Organization and the Bund,…
19 April 1943

19 April 1943

Members of the Jewish Military Union and the Jewish Combat Organization also engaged in intense battles in and around the workshops (manufacturing complexes producing assortments…
Shelters, Bunkers, Hideouts

Shelters, Bunkers, Hideouts

The January Self-Defence resulted in the implementation of military training for youths (conspirators of the Jewish Combat Organization and the Jewish Military Union) and the…
The January Self-Defence

The January Self-Defence

January 1943 marked the moment when the Jewish milieux decided to put up armed opposition against the invader. On 18 January, acting on the orders…