Noemi Wigdorowicz-Makowerowa (24.11.1912–07.15.2015)
doctor and dentist, long-term researcher at the Medical Academy in Wrocław

She was born in Warsaw on November 24, 1912 in a Jewish family. In 1937, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Warsaw, and in 1939 – from the Dental Academy. In 1940 she was relocated to the Warsaw ghetto. In the ghetto, she started working in the surgical hospital ul. Leszno 1 St., and also as the head of the dentist’s office in the outpatient clinic of the Jewish community. In the summer of 1942, she married a doctor, Henryk Makower. In January 1943, both Makowers managed to get out of the ghetto. Then they hid in Miłosna near Warsaw under the care of doctor Emil Paluch and a group of friends. In August 1944, in the liberated Lublin, Noemi joined the Polish Army. She was assigned to the Evacuation Hospital No. 62, where she was the head of the sub-unit of the Jaw Surgery Department.
In 1946, she started working as a senior assistant at the Dental Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine at the University and University of Technology in Wrocław. In the years 1964-1983 she was the head of the Department of Prosthodontics at the Medical Academy in Wrocław. She introduced and popularized in Poland fluoride prophylaxis of tooth decay, she also developed improved methods of prosthetic rehabilitation.From 1986 she lived in Sweden, where she died in Stockholm on February 7, 2015.
translated by Adam Grossman