“City behind the Wall” | Premiere performance

On November 16, at 5:30 p.m. at Grzybowski Square in Warsaw, the premiere screening of the video installation “City behind the Wall” took place. We invite you to watch the film from the premiere!

The artistic video installation by Karolina fender Noińska // jajkofilm consists of archive photos showing the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto. The figures depicted on them appear on the façade of Majer Wolanowski’s flat building at Próżna 14 St., which in 1940 was located within the boundaries of the so-called Jewish residential quarter. The project aims to make the viewer reflect on the fate of the Warsaw Ghetto and its inhabitants. In a way, the choice of one of the few inselbergs recalls the tragic end of the ghetto uprising, when almost the entire area was razed to the ground. Faced with the destruction of almost all evidence of their former presence, the inhabitants of the city behind the wall are reminded of their history during a weekly video installation.

Mariusz Kubicki
Tadeusz Melon
Mirosław Romejko
Bogdan Sabała
Włodzimierz Tyl

idea and directing: Karolina Fender Noińska // jajkofilm

camera: Julian Sobierajski

The premiere of the video installation is part of the program commemorating the 81st anniversary of the closure of the Warsaw Ghetto, organized jointly with the Sociocultural Society of Jews in Poland and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.